Hey, Kids,
Check out these free Bible studies
made just for you!
My Place With Jesus is a series of Internet based, interactive Bible studies just for kids! These 21 studies take the participant through many of the basic themes of the Christian faith. The lessons cover such topics as Creation, the Trinity and Heaven. These Bible lessons are designed primarily for children aged 7 - 12. However, with your help, much younger children will benefit from and enjoy the lessons also. This makes these lessons a valuable resource for the entire family.
Weblink: http://www.myplacewithjesus.com/
The Bible in Living Sound ~ Get your kids excited about the Bible! Dramatized Bible Stories for kids of all ages. Learn the most precious stories from the Creation of the World through the journeys of Paul. Individual stories are also available for sale on Amazon.
Fun Stuff and Bible Stories for Kids
KidsBibleInfo.com Visit this website for easy-to-read Bible topics, stories, games, and a Bible Lesson Series for ages 6 to 12.
GuideMagazine.org A Christian story magazine for young people ages 10-14. Read the online version, and watch for stories written by OUR teens, Matthew Thomas and Adam Ricci!
Ellen White Visionary for Kids (Ve.Z) An online magazine for kids ages 9-14. VEZ is published each quarter.
Kids View Magazine Another GREAT online magazine with stuff written by and for kids!
Kids! Stay healthy!!
On the Brink ~ Stuff for Teens
TheRebelution Blog The Harris Twins challenge kid and adults to a higher level of expectation!